Our mission is to preserve the treasures of our native land

Mikhail Drinevsky
«Folk song is our spiritual history, our shrine. Our root. From mouth to mouth, from heart to heart, after many hundreds of years, this miracle has come to this day. Our goal is to bring together all the best that is in the treasuries of the Belarusian national musical culture and give the mind a new stage life. After all, the art of music has enormous power of influence. It brings joy to people, awakens in their sense of beauty. Love a good song, good music — it is man's true friend. She makes him more complacent, cleaner, fairer...»
History of the choir
National Academic Folk Choir of the Republic of Belarus named after G.I. Tsitovich is one of the leading bands in Belarus with a 70-year history. The State Folk Choir of the BSSR was created in 1952 (from 1959 to 1963 it was called the State Folk Song and Dance Ensemble of the BSSR). The founder of the choir is an outstanding figure of national musical culture Gennady Ivanovich Tsitovich - folklorist, ethnographer, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the BSSR. Already in the early stages of the formation of the collective, critics, spectators and listeners…
Creative staff